Profit | Cash Flow | Wealth Extraction

Abundant Valley Foods

About Abundant Valley Foods

Abundant Valley Foods Logo-D-Wide.png

Fresh produce businesses around the World are integrating – fast!

This is the era of integrated producers and processors that capture value from paddock to plate.

Integrate or be crushed.

Smart producers extract a benefit from every part of the value chain.

Now is the time to capture value from farm to fork.

How do you need to change the way you do business?

Australian fresh produce businesses of the future are integrated, and have scale and multiple capital partners.

World-leading growers | Best-practice production | Capital and distribution partners invested in the whole value chain

Old world:

  • Being squeezed on price for your primary produce by a customer who is going to add value – and add margin!

  • Relying on a third-party for market access – that they control and profit from.

  • Being beholden to the Bank, and not having enough capital to expand.

New world:

Being part of an integrated business that:

  • adds value to and markets what you grow;

  • gives you access to new markets;

  • has the scale to raise equity capital for expansion – in which you share the profits.

Abundant Valley Foods is building an integrated Australian Food business for its owners - growers, processors, distributors and investors.