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Clean & Tasty Food

Producing the World's Cleanest & Tastiest Food - in Tasmania

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Producing the World's Cleanest & Tastiest Food - in Tasmania

Consumers are no longer prepared to settle for ordinary food products – what they eat has to be: safe; delicious; and not bad for their health.
Consumers are voting with their hip pockets – allocating their hard-earned dollars to food from places they trust.
Producing clean and safe food allows growers, processors and investors to capitalise on the long-term shift in consumer behaviour – their increasing preparedness to spend more on better food.
Consumers are now prepared to make sacrifices in other parts of their household budgets to ensure that they have access to high quality food – they will stop buying your food if you can’t establish that it has good provenance.
Picture a market with abundant demand for the safe and delicious food you produce, and the growth opportunities that creates for you.
Huntingford Advisory and its partners are building an organic food business in Tasmania, Australia, that produces some of the safest, tastiest and healthiest food in the World.
We are doing this by:
• partnering with the best growers, processors and investors;
• developing the highest standard of organic growing and processing capabilities;
• and producing our food in a part of the World with one of the cleanest and safest environments – Tasmania.
Should you wish to learn more about our exciting new food business, please do not hesitate to contact us.